Tuesday 19 April 2016

Exponents/Index/Power and laws of exponents

Define the Exponents
                                         Exponents are the way to write repeated multiplication .e.g. 2x2x2x2 can be written as 24.the exponent 4 shows that how many times the base 2 is used as a multiplied.

Laws of exponents
·        Product law
·        Quotation law
·        Power law
·        Exponent distribution law of product
·        Exponent distribution law of division
·        Negative power law
·        Zero power  law

Product law
                      Product law tells us to add the exponents, if the expression that are multiplied have same base.
                    e.g.            a4xa7=a11   .          23x24=27
Quotation law
                                     Quotation law tells us to subtract the exponents, if the expression that are divided have same base.
          e.g          a3/a2=a                 46/42=44
Power law
                  Power law tells us to multiply the exponents if a base with exponent is raised to another exponent.
                      e.g      (a2)3=a6
Exponent distribution law of product
              Exponent distribution law of product tells us, when the exponents applies to a product, distribute it.
                e.g  (3 x 4)3=33 x 43
Exponent distribution law of division
                Exponent distribution law of division tells us, when the exponents applies to a quotient/division, distribute it.
                   e.g (2/3)7=27/37
Negative power law
                                  Negative power law tells us if and when you have a negative power then u make its reciprocal to change the negative power to positive power.
                 e.g           2/a-4        =      2a4

                       Zero power law tells us, when any number, expression or sentence has whole power/exponent zero then its value is equal to 1.
 a0 = 1
 Let’s proved that:
a0 is written as  (a)1-1
So, a1  X a-1 = 1
      a1 x 1/a1 = 1
         a1/a1  =1

         1 = 1
Posted by Unknown on 05:20 in    No comments »


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