ratio , proportion , direct and inverse variation
relationship b/w two quantities are known as ration.
a:b is written as a/b
relationship b/w two ratios are known as proportion.
is written as a/b=c/d etc.
Direct variation/proportion:
we have two quantities and one quantity is going to increase then another
quantity is also going to increase this type of variation is called direct
- · If the prize of 2 pens is 20 rupees then the prize of 4 pens are 20.In this statement the quantity of pens are increase and the cost of pens are also increase.
- · If the prize of 6 books is 600 rupees then the prize of 2 books are 200 rupees. In this statement the quantity of book is increase that why the cost of book are also increase.
Inverse proportion/variation:
we have two quantities and one quantity is going to increase then another
quantity is going to decrease then this
type of variation is called inverse variation.
- · If 5 mans can complete a 5 m wall in 10 days. If we increase the quantity of mans then the day will decrease. Means that 10 men can complete the same work in 5 days. In this statement we increase the quantity of mans that’s why the quantity of day/time is decrease.
- If 20 mans can dig a hole in 8 days. If we increase days then the quantity of men’s will decrease. In 16 days only 10 men’s can do the same work .in this statement the quantity of day will decrease because of the quantity of men’s are increase.
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