Saturday 14 October 2017

Types of quadratic equation and their difference 

Quadratic equation:

An equation which having square of unknown (variable) quantity, but no higher power is known as quadratic equation. The standard form of quadratic equation in x variable is ax2+bx+c = o. whereas a is the coefficient of x2, b is the coefficient of x and c is the constant term.   a,b,c  all are real numbers and x is an known variable.
For example
Standard form example                                                           not Standard form example        
·         ax2+bx+c = o                                                                                  ax2+bx = -c
·         4x2+3x+1 = o                                                                                  4x2+3x= -1
·         7x2+2x+8 = o                                                                                  7x2+2x = -8
·         x2-6x-9= o                                                                                        x2-6x = 9
·         6x2-x+1= o                                                                                       6x2 +1 = x

Pure quadratic equation:

Pure quadratic equation is form of quadratic equation in which the term bx is absent.
It means in quadratic equation (ax2 + bx + c = 0), if b=0 then this equation is called pure quadratic equation. The form of this equation is ax2 + c = 0 whereas a,b are real numbers and x is known term called variable.
For example
·         ax2 + c = 0
·         5x2 + 6 = 0
·         px2 + q= 0
·         10x2 -10 = 0
·         2x2 - 18 = 0

Main difference b/w pure quadratic equation and quadratic equation.

The main difference b/w these two equations are the term bx.
·       It means if in any quadratic equation b=0 then this time it is known as pure quadratic equation but if b=0 then this time it is known as quadratic equation.
·         In pure quadratic equation the term bx is absent.
·         In pure quadratic equation the term bx is must be present.

Methods to solve quadratic equation.

v  Factorization method
v  Completing square method
v  Quadratic formula

Methods to solve pure quadratic equation.

v    factorization method 

pure quadratic equation may be solved by using the property of square roots of equal numbers.

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