Wednesday 9 November 2016

Define ratio?

                                Ratio is the relationship b/w two quantities.

Define proportion? 

                               Proportion is the Relationship b/w two Ratios.


   There are two main types of proportion/variation.  
1) Direct proportion/ variation
2)Inverse proportion/variation 

Direct proportion/variation 

 A proportion in which one quantity is  increase/decrease and another quantity  are also  increase/decrease  then this type of proportion is know as direct proportion .
for example:
prize of 5 pens are RS 50 ,if you  have 100 rupees ,how many pens you purchase?
answer : we purchase 10 pens . 
In this question quantity of pens are increase because the rupees are also increase . 

Inverse proportion/variation 

A variation in which one quantity is increase but another is decrease them this type of variation is know as Inverse variation. 
for example:  5 masons can complete a building in 10 months ,10 masons can complete the same work in how many months?
answer:  5 months 
in this question the quantity of masons are increase but the months are decrease it is known as Inverse variation.
Posted by Unknown on 00:13  No comments »


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