Friday 19 February 2016


  •  Mathematics is the science of numbers or the studies of numbers,shapes,and other entries                     by logic mean .The word mathematics  is from a Greek word (Mathema).

Other definition 

  • It is the study of the measurement, relationship and properties of quantities and sets using numbers and symbols 

Importance and uses

Mathematics is the mother of science and considered as an oddest branch of knowledge.Mathematics play an important  role in all fields like economics ,trade business etc.the operation of addition,subtraction, multiplication and  division are very useful for purchasing and selling of different things in our daily life.this branch of knowledge has shown its impact on almost all modern fields of research .the use of different methods and Technics for finding estimations of new projects before their construction in technical field.the survey date collecting from any area and use it for the betterment of human life through different methods of calculation . the use of algebraic formulas are also helping  for the solving of algebraic problems easily .

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