Tuesday 23 February 2016

Define set

                    A set is collection of clearly defined objects.the elements or the numbers of a set is known as objects of the set.

Different Forms to Describing a set.

Descriptive form
Tabular form
Set builder notation

Types of sets

                    There are different types of set which are given below.

  • Finite set 
  • Infinite set
  • Empty/null set
  • Equal sets
  • Equivalent sets
  • Subset
  • Proper set

Finite set

                 Type of a set which have finite or limited elements or numbers .
                e.g     A={2,4,5,6}

Infinite set 

                     Type of set which have infinite or unlimited elements or numbers.
                   e.g     A={1,2,3,4,5..................}

Empty set

                   Type of set which have no elements or numbers .
                    e.g     A={ }

Equal sets

                     Equal sets are those two sets which have equal number of elements and the elements are also same then these sets are known as equal sets of each other.
                     e.g   A={1,2,3}      B={1,2,3} set A and set B are equal sets

Equivalent sets

                       Equivalent sets are those two set which have only the equal number of objects.
                       e.g      A={3,4,5,6}  B={a,b,c,d}   A and B are equvilent sets


            Two sets a , b .if all the elements of set b is present on set a then set b is subset of set a.
                       e.g         A={1,2,3}      B={1,2,3} B is subset of set A

Proper subset

                              Two sets a , b .if all the elements of set b is present on set a but at least one element of set a is not a part of set b, then set b is proper subset of set a.
                       e.g            A={1,2,3}      B={1,2,} B is  proper sub set of set A

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